Monday, September 9, 2019

The End of the Cold War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The End of the Cold War - Research Paper Example One of the causes was the fact that they differed a lot in ideologies in that the United Nations was capitalist while the Soviet Union’s was socialist. The United Nations was ruled by democracy and they valued freedom, while the Soviet Union was under dictatorial rule where the interests of the state were put first as opposed to those for individuals. This led to the two nations having too many differences as each was antagonistic to the other. In the communist they were ruled majority being oppressed by the minority. On the other hand the capitalist had freedom of liberty, expression and speech, and they were free from political oppression. The other factor that contributed to the fallout between the two former allies was the resentments of the history whereby United States had joined with Britain in 1918 and tried to tear down the Russian revolution and so the Soviet Union feared the same to happen again. On the other had the United States did not forget the Nazi-soviet pact that Stalin had signed with Germany in 1939. This led to a lot of strain to their relationship which led the two becoming rivals (Harper, 46). The other cause of the cold war was differing aims. This was attributed in the fact that the USSR wanted huge compensations from Germany to create other more friendly nations to protect itself from being hit once again. On the contrary the United Nations wanted to protect democracy and also wanted to help Germany to recover from the effects of the world war. Having too many differing ideologies between the two they never trusted one another and viewed everything in a different way thus making it inevitable for the cold war. The other cause of the cold war was the remarks made by Churchill Winston who was a British leader and also an anti-communist. Given the political climate his speech tensions rose which further worsened the relationship between the two. He said â€Å"From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an â€Å"Iron Cu rtain† has descended across the continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe all are subject, in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and in some cases increasing measure of control from Moscow† (Harper, 54). The two nations had never been involved in any conflicts but with all those challenges in their relationships made them develop enmity. It was evident in that the two were no longer friends and they eventually started developing bombs which were meant for each other though it was indirectly. In 1949 the first atomic bomb was developed by the soviet unions and that showed that the enmity had escalated to another level. Another cause why the United States of America was involved in the war was due to the undisclosed telegram sent by German ambassador then in Mexico by Germany ambassador, asking Mexico to assail America from the north. Germany promised Mexico that they could retriev e their lost provinces, including Arizona and Texas. Afterwards, Wilson urged the Congress to employ the rule of armed neutrality. They sent merchant ships to secure their boundaries in opposition to their opponents. They also connected the war due to terror of economic despair if the allied power lost. United States had role to enhance free trade, democracy and peaceful coexistence. America finally became part of the cold

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