Friday, September 27, 2019

Buffering Work-Family Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Buffering Work-Family Conflict - Essay Example The government has formulated policies that restrict the time for working. The employers implement these policies in a bid to buffer work-family conflicts. This occurs through giving employees a greater flexibility at work. The employees have freedom of choice on the appropriate time to work either part time or full time. Another factor is social support, where employees have the chance to receive members of their families as visitors during working hours. This helps the employees to reduce their personal and social pressures, as they are able to focus on both family and work. The competition between work and family reduces, thus buffering the work-family conflicts. The other factor relates to the management of the employees’ set of behavior that are incompatible for work and family (Poelmans, 2005). The most important factors in the reduction of work-family conflict are the implementation of government policies and social support for workers. Government policies govern the working hours of the employees. The employees have the ability to take time off from work, whenever they require taking care of their families. The government policies also capture the minimum wage of employees. This helps to reduce the financial conflicts that could arise due to the lack of money for satisfying basic family needs. On the other hand, social support is important because it helps employees in becoming efficient at work. Companies that provide emotional support to their employees have shown high performance. Such organizations also offer appraisal support that involves giving feedback on the employees, performance on their duties. Such employees also receive encouragement and affirmation on job promotions. Through social support, the employees are able to receive informational support through directives and advice from their seniors. This ensures that they avoid common mistakes at their places of work. The employees also

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