Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Software Testing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Software Testing - Research Paper Example We are dealing with the banking system from Pennywise National Bank. Therefore, experimental design is the best method of testing software (Basili and Selby, 1987). According to Gelperin and Hetzel (1988), we are going to deal with phase models and life cycle models. In the phase models, we have a demonstration and destruction phases. Demonstration ensures that the software satisfies all its specifications. Destruction involves detection of the implemented faults that may lead to errors during the software functioning. In the life cycle models, we have an evaluation and the prevention stages. In the evaluation, one detects requirements, design and implements faults. In prevention, requirements, design and implementation faults are prevented. Review of software requirements is not considered as testing. Prevention testing involves analysis and review besides improvement of the software specifications and design. Moreover, the code is improved before test execution (Gelperin and Hetzel, 1988). We are going to test the coding, structural and functional properties of our software. Code reading will be tested using the stepwise subtraction. The structural testing will be done using 1005 statement coverage criteria. Finally, the functional testing will be done using equivalence partitioning and analysis of the boundary value (Basili and Selby, 1987). The primary goals of testing are; to demonstrate that some parts of the software specifications are functional and meet their tasks, to detect faults and finally to prevent faults. Formerly constructive approach was being used in testing yielding unsatisfactory results in that it contained tests that the software could pass. Currently, the demonstration strategy is being used. Tests always are hypothesized that the software is not perfect in its specifications in that it can not lack even a single fault. A set of test T is built and applied to the software. In the long run, at least a single

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