Monday, September 30, 2019

Explain how the application of relevant principles and values Essay

Within this unit, I am required to write an essay regarding relevant principles, values and provide holistic support for two service users. The first service user that I am going to do this for is a lady that lives in a residential care home, she has arthritis and dementia and no family to care for her, she has only lived in the home for three weeks and is finding it hard to adjust to the new environment because she is used to living in dependently, because of confidential reasons I am unable to state her name therefore I will refer to her as ‘M’. Looking at the Second individual service user, who also for confidential reasons I cannot name so l will refer to him as ‘B’, he is at secondary school and is in his first year and has been put in classes with different individuals, that have different cultures and beliefs, he has autism, and he is finding it difficult to understand difference. As an individual that is in the social care profession, it would be in my duty or another professional’s duty to do our best to help these individuals settle in to their new environments, and this would be done through principles and values, it is important to understand that there may be disagreements that come with this and this is due to the fact that we are influenced by our upbringing and therefore may not share the same principles and values of every individual that walks the earth. So by making both service users aware that each and every individualPrinciple are based on different values they hold a certain guideline about how they feel is the right way to behave, for example ‘m’ treats people with respect because she believes that this is the right thing to do. Whereas ‘B’ feels that respect is earned and should not be expected, it may be a good idea to do activity’s with both service users so that they get a better understanding of this, more so in ‘B’s’ case as this may help him understand that every individual id different from one another. When looking at the values of individuals, they are based around different beliefs of what is important to them, and individuals morals also fall in with their beliefs and may change throughout an individual’s life. Looking at socialisation, it is the way that individuals learn to conform to accepted standards of behaviour this could be within the culture or the society that they live in, an example of this could be ‘M’ this is because ‘M’ got used to the society that she was in and is now finding it hard to go from an independent women to living in a residential care home. There are two types of socialisation primary and secondary. Primary socialisation is normally the process that occurs where a child is influenced by primary carers, values and attitudes, whereas secondary socialisation involves the way that media, religion, legislationand education is reinforced and accepted of modes of behaviour. To ensure that both service users are happy, it is important that care professionals apply empowerment to the individuals and the care value base, this is meaning that care professionals should give ‘M’ and ‘B’ enough information so that they are able to make their own decisions and choices about what they would like to do and lead their life’s, another way to look at it would be having the attitude towards care in the way that you would appreciated if it were you being cared for. By doing this you will create a positive care environment. To apply empowerment to ‘M’, you would promote choice, this could be done by asking her what she would like to ware for that day, however due to ‘M’ having demnture, it would be a good idea to give her a choice of two, this is because having to many to choose from may confuse her, and if she doesn’t want anything from the choices, then you should then give her another choice of a different two, this would also be the same for service user ‘B’ by doing this you are still promoting choice to the individuals and also at the same time avoiding confusion or any other type of stress. There are many ways to empower service users for example promoting their rights, this means that all service users rights are met, this can be done by respecting them, giving them choices, and recognise service user ‘M’ and ‘B’s individuality, it can also be done by recognition of preferences, and this can be done by providing social care support for vulnerable people like service users ‘M’ and ‘B’ and by recognising their preferences you will ensure that they will be safe and able to live and do things independently, in ‘M’s case she was unable to stay in her independent home but can still do things independently within the residential care home. Also by making sure that you do not discriminate against service user ‘M’ and ‘B’ because of their dementia and autism but treating them equally shows that you are showing them empowerment, anti-discriminatory practice is very important and discrimination is caused by prejudice, and this can result in negative behaviours, examples of discrimination can be of many thing like†¦ social race, religious, sexual, disability, ethnic, and age related discrimination, and if this was shown towards these service users it could then result in their needs not being met and could cause different types of depression and stress. It is also important that care providers do not stereotype these service users, by making assumptions for example†¦ service user ‘M’ don’t need to choose her meal for today, she will only forget what she picked. The main types of discrimination is direct discrimination (overt) this is when an individual openly discriminates against others and indirect discrimination (covert) this is when an individual discriminated behind closed doors and also institutional discrimination and this is when anti-discriminatory polices and procedures have not been put into place. Also the amount of involvement of individuals in planning their support will also show empowerment to both service users, this is because the care that is provided to them is focused on the individual, and their self which means that they are within the centre of it, this not only ensures independence but autonomy is also promoted within the process, for example looking at service user ‘B’ because he has autism when planning his support you should use a variety of different methods to collect information about his as a service users qualities, abilities and interests as well as his needs, this could be done by for example†¦ if service user ‘B’ likes to draw and finds is hard to sit and do written class work, it would be a good idea for him to draw his work out and explain it within pictures, by doing this you have taken into account what works well for the individual and also helping him in the sense of meeting his academic needs through different ways, however you would also ask the individual what support or service they would like or feel what is best for them when meeting any type of need, and would also consult them before delivering any types of methods or service without a discussion and consolation first with the individual. In ‘Ms’ case you as a health care professional would ask what activities she would like to do, and find out how she would like within her care plan. Care professionals should also respect service user’s religious beliefs, moral beliefs, values and culture, this is because Britain is a multicultural society and has a huge impact on health and social care delivery, this is because every individuals are different and come from a rang of different backgrounds, for service user ‘B’ who is finding it hard to understand difference, it is important for him to recognise and value it, however this should be done in away that doesn’t take away any of his values and beliefs etc.. to help service user ‘B’ it could be beneficial for him to learn religious education in order for him to get a base of understanding of why people are different and their values and beliefs, however it is important to make sure that the service user does not feel pressured or forced, this is because he could then become fearful of someone that is different to what he is used to, so therefore all health and social care organisations should recognise and values difference and should promote and embrace diversity when it is demonstrated to show that each individuals are being valued on a day to day basis in a positive way to have a positive impact. This would also be the case for service user ‘M’ this is because in a residential care home she will be in contact with many individuals from different backgrounds and because of her condition, there is a chance that she may forget certain aspects of this, so by keeping on top and promoting difference will hopefully enable a fresh mind of this. Moving onto the Holistic approach which means that all care workers main priority is about improving an individuals quality of life, when looking at the word holistic care, it means looking at all of the individuals needs, this is meaning†¦ physical, intellectual, emotional, social, cultural and spiritual and means that these service users are provided with opportunities for all of these needs to be met. Looking at working in partnership, which means that many different health and social care services pull and work together in partnership to plan and deliver good care to each service user and also work together in partnership which includes sharing good practice which then contributes to the support of vulnerable individuals, by doing this it ensures that both service users are getting the best possible care plan due to the fact that both care professions are bringing different skills and qualities that both service users can appreciate. When looking at multi-disciplinary/ inter-agency approach, to sum it up it means a team of workers that have different skills and qualities that come from different specialism’s and service pull together within there work to ensure that problems within an individuals care plan is prevented to the best of their abilities. When looking at effective multi-disciplinary it means working with a service user in order for them to get better care and a better outcome from service providers, and by working with different agencies will then allow different options of care this could become beneficial to both service users as different methods of care can be offered to then and could also include a care plan, for service user ‘B’ it could be a care plan full of different techniques within trying to keeps his outbursts under control and for service user ‘M’ it could be a care plan that can prevent the process of dementure from processing less rapidly. However this is only proven to be effective is the multi- discriminatory organisation is well organised, this because if it is not then there could be a duplication of roles and conflicts of responsibilities and could confuse the service users and in ‘Ms’ case this needs to be avoided as much as possible, this is not saying that service user ‘B’ is less important. All individuals have the right to confidentiality, an example for this could be is service user ‘M’ didn’t want other members of the residential care home to know about her condition then care workers should keep that confidential. Not just both but all service users have the right to privacy and control over their personal details, an example of this could be service user ‘B’ had a diary on the table, a care provider or any other person should not go through it because that is his personal belonging and should have his privacy respected. Not only is maintaining confidentiality is a legal requirement but it also helps form a trusting relationship with service users, however it is important to let service user know that at times information has to be shared on a ‘need to know’ basis, this could be if a service user is in danger for example if service user ‘M’ was to say she was going to kill herself this would have to be reported in case it happened, but you should always let the service user know what you are doing other wise you are risking losing the trust within the formed professional relationship. All care providers then have fulfilling responsibilities, this is by following the correct policies and procedures within there profession and the care setting that they are in and meet the requirements to the relevant legislation. They have the responsibility to ensure that service users in general have a centred approach to care and understand the importance of quality communication and handle each bit of information with sensitive care in a professional way. Assignment 1 M1- Review the benefits to individuals and professional staff f taking a holistic approach to planning support. Looking at the benefits of the holistic approach to not only the individuals but the care professionals to, and looking at service users ‘M’ and ‘B’, I feel that in general it is a very good approach, this is due to the fact that that there are many benefits within them. Looking at the way that professional staff can benefit from this would be for the fact that they are able to learn more skills and qualities or if not this improve on there own and pick up ideas that they can then carry on and use with different service users that they may work with within the future, from other care professionals, it gives care providers the opportunity to improve their quality of care and keep their minds fresh for new ideas, if I was to add an input on this, I would make sure that each care providers would meet one or two times before working with the service users, to ensure that they are at the centre of care, I say this due to the fact that sometimes when people meet that have ideas that the other person has not necessarily thought of themselves, could lead into a discussion and the main principle which is the service user could then be pushed aside. This will also be a more organised thing to do and will prevent confusion with the roles that the care professio nals’ may have. When looking at ways in which both services users will benefit from this approach would be for the fact that they are then at the centre of care, and the health and social care providers are looking at them as a whole and are giving then effective angles of care from all different prospects, the only thing that I would say about this would be for the fact that have a limit on how many health and social care providers that they will be seeing, I say this because sometimes service users can get confused and as one of the service users have demtia, so therefore is a chance that she will not remember each individual that she has been in contact with, so regular and few faces will be beneficial within this case, and also for the fact that if everything is going on at once it can sometimes be hard for the service user to really think and decide what they genially want if there are too many influences around them. Another benefit that care providers can get from the holistic approach would be regaining a professional boundary, this is not meaning that every care professional loses there professional balance, but in some cases it does happen for example, if a care worker has been working in a residential care home for a long period of time, they get to know there residents very well, and adapt to their routines, so things like promotion of choice may lack a little bit as that type of boundary may have been lost along there way, however they should be sent on regular courses to maintain this, but taking the holistic approach, enables them to work with others that do not know the residents to the extent that they themselves do, and will gain that professional outlook by observing from others. Looking at this as an example from service user ‘B’ his regular support worker knows that he don’t like to go assembly so sits with him when the rest of the class goes, however the suppor t worker does not ask him each time if he would like to go but assumes that he wont, when a different support workers then asks him and his reply is yes, his regular support worker then knows that she should ask him in case he does want to go, this not only gives new ideas and targets for the service user but is also getting him involved with members of his class. Also when reviewing yet another benefit of the holistic approach when Appling it to service users, it makes sure that their care plans are on point, this is meaning that nothing should be left out of their care plan and everything is covered, this is due to different opinions and a thou ere analysis of both service users needs and making sure that they are met, to ensure that they are getting the best out of the services that they are required to receive. When this is being done care providers need to make sure that everything is being discussed with the service users themselves. By following the holistic approve, it also benefits care providers due to the fact that they are building in the team’s skills, and improving any flaws that they may have within working as a team, this could also become influential on both service users and encourage then both with taking part in more activities, within their environment.

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