Monday, September 30, 2019

Explain how the application of relevant principles and values Essay

Within this unit, I am required to write an essay regarding relevant principles, values and provide holistic support for two service users. The first service user that I am going to do this for is a lady that lives in a residential care home, she has arthritis and dementia and no family to care for her, she has only lived in the home for three weeks and is finding it hard to adjust to the new environment because she is used to living in dependently, because of confidential reasons I am unable to state her name therefore I will refer to her as ‘M’. Looking at the Second individual service user, who also for confidential reasons I cannot name so l will refer to him as ‘B’, he is at secondary school and is in his first year and has been put in classes with different individuals, that have different cultures and beliefs, he has autism, and he is finding it difficult to understand difference. As an individual that is in the social care profession, it would be in my duty or another professional’s duty to do our best to help these individuals settle in to their new environments, and this would be done through principles and values, it is important to understand that there may be disagreements that come with this and this is due to the fact that we are influenced by our upbringing and therefore may not share the same principles and values of every individual that walks the earth. So by making both service users aware that each and every individualPrinciple are based on different values they hold a certain guideline about how they feel is the right way to behave, for example ‘m’ treats people with respect because she believes that this is the right thing to do. Whereas ‘B’ feels that respect is earned and should not be expected, it may be a good idea to do activity’s with both service users so that they get a better understanding of this, more so in ‘B’s’ case as this may help him understand that every individual id different from one another. When looking at the values of individuals, they are based around different beliefs of what is important to them, and individuals morals also fall in with their beliefs and may change throughout an individual’s life. Looking at socialisation, it is the way that individuals learn to conform to accepted standards of behaviour this could be within the culture or the society that they live in, an example of this could be ‘M’ this is because ‘M’ got used to the society that she was in and is now finding it hard to go from an independent women to living in a residential care home. There are two types of socialisation primary and secondary. Primary socialisation is normally the process that occurs where a child is influenced by primary carers, values and attitudes, whereas secondary socialisation involves the way that media, religion, legislationand education is reinforced and accepted of modes of behaviour. To ensure that both service users are happy, it is important that care professionals apply empowerment to the individuals and the care value base, this is meaning that care professionals should give ‘M’ and ‘B’ enough information so that they are able to make their own decisions and choices about what they would like to do and lead their life’s, another way to look at it would be having the attitude towards care in the way that you would appreciated if it were you being cared for. By doing this you will create a positive care environment. To apply empowerment to ‘M’, you would promote choice, this could be done by asking her what she would like to ware for that day, however due to ‘M’ having demnture, it would be a good idea to give her a choice of two, this is because having to many to choose from may confuse her, and if she doesn’t want anything from the choices, then you should then give her another choice of a different two, this would also be the same for service user ‘B’ by doing this you are still promoting choice to the individuals and also at the same time avoiding confusion or any other type of stress. There are many ways to empower service users for example promoting their rights, this means that all service users rights are met, this can be done by respecting them, giving them choices, and recognise service user ‘M’ and ‘B’s individuality, it can also be done by recognition of preferences, and this can be done by providing social care support for vulnerable people like service users ‘M’ and ‘B’ and by recognising their preferences you will ensure that they will be safe and able to live and do things independently, in ‘M’s case she was unable to stay in her independent home but can still do things independently within the residential care home. Also by making sure that you do not discriminate against service user ‘M’ and ‘B’ because of their dementia and autism but treating them equally shows that you are showing them empowerment, anti-discriminatory practice is very important and discrimination is caused by prejudice, and this can result in negative behaviours, examples of discrimination can be of many thing like†¦ social race, religious, sexual, disability, ethnic, and age related discrimination, and if this was shown towards these service users it could then result in their needs not being met and could cause different types of depression and stress. It is also important that care providers do not stereotype these service users, by making assumptions for example†¦ service user ‘M’ don’t need to choose her meal for today, she will only forget what she picked. The main types of discrimination is direct discrimination (overt) this is when an individual openly discriminates against others and indirect discrimination (covert) this is when an individual discriminated behind closed doors and also institutional discrimination and this is when anti-discriminatory polices and procedures have not been put into place. Also the amount of involvement of individuals in planning their support will also show empowerment to both service users, this is because the care that is provided to them is focused on the individual, and their self which means that they are within the centre of it, this not only ensures independence but autonomy is also promoted within the process, for example looking at service user ‘B’ because he has autism when planning his support you should use a variety of different methods to collect information about his as a service users qualities, abilities and interests as well as his needs, this could be done by for example†¦ if service user ‘B’ likes to draw and finds is hard to sit and do written class work, it would be a good idea for him to draw his work out and explain it within pictures, by doing this you have taken into account what works well for the individual and also helping him in the sense of meeting his academic needs through different ways, however you would also ask the individual what support or service they would like or feel what is best for them when meeting any type of need, and would also consult them before delivering any types of methods or service without a discussion and consolation first with the individual. In ‘Ms’ case you as a health care professional would ask what activities she would like to do, and find out how she would like within her care plan. Care professionals should also respect service user’s religious beliefs, moral beliefs, values and culture, this is because Britain is a multicultural society and has a huge impact on health and social care delivery, this is because every individuals are different and come from a rang of different backgrounds, for service user ‘B’ who is finding it hard to understand difference, it is important for him to recognise and value it, however this should be done in away that doesn’t take away any of his values and beliefs etc.. to help service user ‘B’ it could be beneficial for him to learn religious education in order for him to get a base of understanding of why people are different and their values and beliefs, however it is important to make sure that the service user does not feel pressured or forced, this is because he could then become fearful of someone that is different to what he is used to, so therefore all health and social care organisations should recognise and values difference and should promote and embrace diversity when it is demonstrated to show that each individuals are being valued on a day to day basis in a positive way to have a positive impact. This would also be the case for service user ‘M’ this is because in a residential care home she will be in contact with many individuals from different backgrounds and because of her condition, there is a chance that she may forget certain aspects of this, so by keeping on top and promoting difference will hopefully enable a fresh mind of this. Moving onto the Holistic approach which means that all care workers main priority is about improving an individuals quality of life, when looking at the word holistic care, it means looking at all of the individuals needs, this is meaning†¦ physical, intellectual, emotional, social, cultural and spiritual and means that these service users are provided with opportunities for all of these needs to be met. Looking at working in partnership, which means that many different health and social care services pull and work together in partnership to plan and deliver good care to each service user and also work together in partnership which includes sharing good practice which then contributes to the support of vulnerable individuals, by doing this it ensures that both service users are getting the best possible care plan due to the fact that both care professions are bringing different skills and qualities that both service users can appreciate. When looking at multi-disciplinary/ inter-agency approach, to sum it up it means a team of workers that have different skills and qualities that come from different specialism’s and service pull together within there work to ensure that problems within an individuals care plan is prevented to the best of their abilities. When looking at effective multi-disciplinary it means working with a service user in order for them to get better care and a better outcome from service providers, and by working with different agencies will then allow different options of care this could become beneficial to both service users as different methods of care can be offered to then and could also include a care plan, for service user ‘B’ it could be a care plan full of different techniques within trying to keeps his outbursts under control and for service user ‘M’ it could be a care plan that can prevent the process of dementure from processing less rapidly. However this is only proven to be effective is the multi- discriminatory organisation is well organised, this because if it is not then there could be a duplication of roles and conflicts of responsibilities and could confuse the service users and in ‘Ms’ case this needs to be avoided as much as possible, this is not saying that service user ‘B’ is less important. All individuals have the right to confidentiality, an example for this could be is service user ‘M’ didn’t want other members of the residential care home to know about her condition then care workers should keep that confidential. Not just both but all service users have the right to privacy and control over their personal details, an example of this could be service user ‘B’ had a diary on the table, a care provider or any other person should not go through it because that is his personal belonging and should have his privacy respected. Not only is maintaining confidentiality is a legal requirement but it also helps form a trusting relationship with service users, however it is important to let service user know that at times information has to be shared on a ‘need to know’ basis, this could be if a service user is in danger for example if service user ‘M’ was to say she was going to kill herself this would have to be reported in case it happened, but you should always let the service user know what you are doing other wise you are risking losing the trust within the formed professional relationship. All care providers then have fulfilling responsibilities, this is by following the correct policies and procedures within there profession and the care setting that they are in and meet the requirements to the relevant legislation. They have the responsibility to ensure that service users in general have a centred approach to care and understand the importance of quality communication and handle each bit of information with sensitive care in a professional way. Assignment 1 M1- Review the benefits to individuals and professional staff f taking a holistic approach to planning support. Looking at the benefits of the holistic approach to not only the individuals but the care professionals to, and looking at service users ‘M’ and ‘B’, I feel that in general it is a very good approach, this is due to the fact that that there are many benefits within them. Looking at the way that professional staff can benefit from this would be for the fact that they are able to learn more skills and qualities or if not this improve on there own and pick up ideas that they can then carry on and use with different service users that they may work with within the future, from other care professionals, it gives care providers the opportunity to improve their quality of care and keep their minds fresh for new ideas, if I was to add an input on this, I would make sure that each care providers would meet one or two times before working with the service users, to ensure that they are at the centre of care, I say this due to the fact that sometimes when people meet that have ideas that the other person has not necessarily thought of themselves, could lead into a discussion and the main principle which is the service user could then be pushed aside. This will also be a more organised thing to do and will prevent confusion with the roles that the care professio nals’ may have. When looking at ways in which both services users will benefit from this approach would be for the fact that they are then at the centre of care, and the health and social care providers are looking at them as a whole and are giving then effective angles of care from all different prospects, the only thing that I would say about this would be for the fact that have a limit on how many health and social care providers that they will be seeing, I say this because sometimes service users can get confused and as one of the service users have demtia, so therefore is a chance that she will not remember each individual that she has been in contact with, so regular and few faces will be beneficial within this case, and also for the fact that if everything is going on at once it can sometimes be hard for the service user to really think and decide what they genially want if there are too many influences around them. Another benefit that care providers can get from the holistic approach would be regaining a professional boundary, this is not meaning that every care professional loses there professional balance, but in some cases it does happen for example, if a care worker has been working in a residential care home for a long period of time, they get to know there residents very well, and adapt to their routines, so things like promotion of choice may lack a little bit as that type of boundary may have been lost along there way, however they should be sent on regular courses to maintain this, but taking the holistic approach, enables them to work with others that do not know the residents to the extent that they themselves do, and will gain that professional outlook by observing from others. Looking at this as an example from service user ‘B’ his regular support worker knows that he don’t like to go assembly so sits with him when the rest of the class goes, however the suppor t worker does not ask him each time if he would like to go but assumes that he wont, when a different support workers then asks him and his reply is yes, his regular support worker then knows that she should ask him in case he does want to go, this not only gives new ideas and targets for the service user but is also getting him involved with members of his class. Also when reviewing yet another benefit of the holistic approach when Appling it to service users, it makes sure that their care plans are on point, this is meaning that nothing should be left out of their care plan and everything is covered, this is due to different opinions and a thou ere analysis of both service users needs and making sure that they are met, to ensure that they are getting the best out of the services that they are required to receive. When this is being done care providers need to make sure that everything is being discussed with the service users themselves. By following the holistic approve, it also benefits care providers due to the fact that they are building in the team’s skills, and improving any flaws that they may have within working as a team, this could also become influential on both service users and encourage then both with taking part in more activities, within their environment.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Gender Sensitivity Essay

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is direct investment into production or business in a country by a company in another country, either by buying a company in the target country or by expanding operations of an existing business in that country. Foreign direct investment is in contrast to portfolio investment which is a passive investment in the securities of another country such as stocks and bonds. Contents [hide] * 1 Definitions * 2 Types * 3 Methods * 4 Importance and barriers to FDI * 4.1 Foreign direct investment and the developing world * 4.2 Difficulties limiting FDI * 5 Foreign direct investment by country * 5.1 Foreign direct investment in the United States * 5.2 Foreign direct investment in China * 5.3 Foreign direct investment in India * 5.3.1 2012 FDI reforms * 6 See also * 7 References * 8 External links Definitions Foreign direct investment can take on many forms and so sometimes the term is used to refer to different kinds of investment activity. Commonly foreign direct investment includes â€Å"mergers and acquisitions, building new facilities, reinvesting profits earned from overseas operations and intracompany loans.†[1] However, foreign direct investment is often used to refer to just building new facilities or greenfield investment, creating figures that although both labeled FDI, can’t be side by side compared. As a part of the national accounts of a country, and in regard to the national income equation Y=C+I+G+(X-M), I is investment plus foreign investment, FDI refers to the net inflows of investment(inflow minus outflow) to acquire a lasting management interest (10 percent or more of voting stock) in an enterprise operating in an economy other than that of the investor. [2] It is the sum of equity capital, other long-term capital, and short-term capital as shown the balance of payments. It usually involves participation in management, joint-venture, transfer of technology and expertise. There are two types of FDI: inward and outward, resulting in a net FDI inflow (positive or negative) and â€Å"stock of foreign direct investment†, which is the cumulative number for a given period. Direct investment excludesinvestment through purchase of shares.[3] FDI is one example of international factor movements. foriegn direct investment is nothing but inrease the country’s economy . Types 1. Horizon FDI arises when a firm duplicates its home country-based activities at the same value chain stage in a host country through FDI.[4] 2. Platform FDI 3. Vertical FDI takes place when a firm through FDI moves upstream or downstream in different value chains i.e., when firms perform value-adding activities stage by stage in a vertical fashion in a host country.[4] Horizontal FDI decreases international trade as the product of them is usually aimed at host country; the two other types generally act as a stimulus for it. Methods The foreign direct investor may acquire voting power of an enterprise in an economy through any of the following methods: * by incorporating a wholly owned subsidiary or company anywhere * by acquiring shares in an associated enterprise * through a merger or an acquisition of an unrelated enterprise * participating in an equity joint venture with another investor or enterprise Foreign direct investment incentives may take the following forms: * low corporate tax and individual income tax rates * tax holidays * other types of tax concessions * preferential tariffs * special economic zones * EPZ – Export Processing Zones * Bonded Warehouses * Maquiladoras * investment financial subsidies * soft loan or loan guarantees * free land or land subsidies * relocation & expatriation * infrastructure subsidies * R&D support * derogation from regulations (usually for very large projects) Importance and barriers to FDI The rapid growth of world population since 1950 has occurred mostly in developing countries. This growth has not been matched by similar increases in per-capita income and access to the basics of modern life, like education, health care, or – for too many – even sanitary water and waste disposal. FDI has proven — when skillfully applied — to be one of the fastest means of, with the highest impact on, development. However, given its many benefits for both investing firms and hosting countries, and the large jumps in development were best practices followed, eking out advances with even moderate long-term impacts often has been a struggle. Recently, research and practice are finding ways to make FDI more assured and beneficial by continually engaging with local realities, adjusting contracts and reconfiguring policies as blockages and openings emerge. Foreign direct investment and the developing world A recent meta-analysis of the effects of foreign direct investment on local firms in developing and transition countries suggests that foreign investment robustly increases local productivity growth. [5] The Commitment to Development Index ranks the â€Å"development-friendliness† of rich country investment policies. Difficulties limiting FDI Foreign direct investment may be politically controversial or difficult because it partly reverses previous policies intended to protect the growth of local investment or of infant industries. When these kinds of barriers against outside investment seem to have not worked sufficiently, it can be politically expedient for a host country to open a small â€Å"tunnel† as a focus for FDI. The nature of the FDI tunnel depends on the country’s or jurisdiction’s needs and policies. FDI is not restricted to developing countries. For example, lagging regions in the France, Germany, Ireland, and USA have for a half century maintained offices to recruit and incentivize  FDI primarily to create jobs. China, starting in 1979, promoted FDI primarily to import modernizing technology, and also to leverage and uplift its huge pool of rural workers. [6] To secure greater benefits for lesser costs, this tunnel need be focused on a particular industry and on closely negotiated, sp ecific terms. These terms define the trade offs of certain levels and types of investment by a firm, and specified concessions by the host jurisdiction. The investing firm needs sufficient cooperation and concessions to justify their business case in terms of lower labor costs, and the opening of the country’s or even regional markets at a distinct advantage over (global) competitors. The hosting country needs sufficient contractual promises to politically sell uncertain benefits—versus the better-known costs of concessions or damage to local interests. The benefits to the host may be: creation of a large number of more stable and higher-paying jobs; establishing in lagging areas centers of new economic development that will support attracting or strengthening of many other firms without so costly concessions; hastening the transfer of premium-paying skills to the host country’s work force; and encouraging technology transfer to local suppliers. Concessions commonly offered include: tax exemptions or reductions; construction or cheap lease-back of site improvements or of new building facilities; and large local infrastructures such as roads or rail lines; More politically difficult (certainly for less-developed regions) are concessions which change policies for: reduced taxes and tariffs; curbing protections for smaller-business from the large or global; and laxer administration of regulations on labor safety and environmental preservation. Often these un-politick â€Å"cooperations† are covert and subject to corruption. The lead-up for a big FDI can be risky, fraught with reverses, and subject to unexplained delays for years. Completion of the first phase remains unpredictable — even after the contract ceremonies are over and construction has started. So, lenders and investors expect high risk premiums similar to those of junk bonds. These costs and frustration have been major barriers for FDI in many countries. The value of FDI with some industries, some companies, and some countries much greater than with others; like most markets, valuations can be mostly perceptual. It is in the interest of both investors and recipients to dissemble the value of deals to their constituents, so the market on  what’s hot and what’s not has frequent bubbles and crashes. Because local circumstances and the global economy vary so rapidly, Because valuations can shift dramatically in short times, negotiating and planning FDI is often quite irrational. Foreign direct investment by country There are multiple factors determining host country attractiveness in the eyes of large foreign direct institutional investors, notablypension funds and sovereign wealth funds. Research conducted by the World Pensions Council (WPC) suggests that perceived legal/political stability over time and medium-term economic growth dynamics constitute the two main determinants[7] Some development economists believe that a sizeable part of Western Europe has now fallen behind the most dynamic amongst Asia’semerging nations, notably because the latter adopted policies more propitious to long-term investments: â€Å"Successful countries such as Singapore, Indonesia and South Korea still remember the harsh adjustment mechanisms imposed abruptly upon them by the IMF and World Bank during the 1997-1998 ‘Asian Crisis’ [†¦] What they have achieved in the past 10 years is all the more remarkable: they have quietly abandoned the â€Å"Washington consensus† [the dominant Neoclassical perspective] by investing massively in infrastructure projects [†¦]: this pragmatic approach proved to be very successful.†[8] The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development said that there was no significant growth of global FDI in 2010. In 2011 was $1,524 billion, in 2010 was $1,309 billion and in 2009 was $1,114 billion. The figure was 25 percent below the pre-crisis average between 2005 and 2007. Foreign direct investment in the United States Broadly speaking, the U.S. has a fundamentally open economy and very small barriers to foreign direct investment.[10] The United States is the world’s largest recipient of FDI. U.S. FDI totaled $194 billion in 2010. 84% of FDI in the U.S. in 2010 came from or through eight countries: Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Japan, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Canada.[11]Research indicates that foreigners hold greater shares of their investment portfolios in the United States if their own countries have less developed financial markets, an effect whose magnitude decreases with income  per capita. Countries with fewer capital controls and greater trade with the United States also invest more in U.S. equity and bond markets. [12] White House data reported in June 2011 found that a total of 5.7 million workers were employed at facilities highly dependent on foreign direct investors. Thus, about 13% of the American manufacturing workforce depended on such investments. The average pay of said jobs was found as around $70,000 per worker, over 30% higher than the average pay across the entire U.S. workforce.[10] President Barack Obama has said, â€Å"In a global economy, the United States faces increasing competition for the jobs and industries of the future. Taking steps to ensure that we remain the destination of choice for investors around the world will help us win that competition and bring prosperity to our people.†[10] [edit]Foreign direct investment in China FDI in China, also known as RFDI (renminbi foreign direct investment), has increased considerably in the last decade, reaching $59.1 billion in the first six months of 2012, making China the largest recipient of foreign direct investment and topping the United States which had $57.4 billion of FDI.During the global financial crisis FDI fell by over one-third in 2009 but rebounded in 2010.[14] [edit]Foreign direct investment in India Starting from a baseline of less than $1 billion in 1990, a recent UNCTAD survey projected India as the second most important FDI destination (after China) for transnational corporations during 2010–2012. As per the data, the sectors that attracted higher inflows were services, telecommunication, construction activities and computer software and hardware. Mauritius, Singapore, US and UK were among the leading sources of FDI. Based on UNCTAD data FDI flows were $10.4 billion, a drop of 43% from the first half of the last year.[15] India disallowed overseas corporate bodies (OCB) to invest in India.[16] 2012 FDI reforms See also: Retailing in India On 14 September 2012, Government of India allowed FDI in aviation up to 49%, in the broadcast sector up to 74%, in multi-brand retailup to 51% and in single-brand retail up to 100%.[17] The choice of allowing FDI in multi-brand retail up to 51% has been left to eachstate. In its supply chain  sector, the government of India had already approved 100% FDI for developing cold chain. This allows non-Indians to now invest with full ownership in India’s burgeoning demand for efficient food supply systems.[18] The need to reduce waste in fresh food and to feed the aspiring demand of India’s fast developing population has made the cold supply chain a very exciting investment proposition. Foreign investment was introduced by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh when he was finance minister (1991) by the government of India as FEMA (Foreign Exchange Management Act). This has been one of the top political problems for Singh’s government, even in the current (2012) election. [19] [20] Definition of ‘Foreign Direct Investment – FDI’ An investment made by a company or entity based in one country, into a company or entity based in another country. Foreign direct investments differ substantially from indirect investments such as portfolio flows, wherein overseas institutions invest in equities listed on a nation’s stock exchange. Entities making direct investments typically have a significant degree of influence and control over the company into which the investment is made. Open economies with skilled workforces and good growth prospects tend to attract larger amounts of foreign direct investment than closed, highly regulated economies. Investopedia explains ‘Foreign Direct Investment – FDI’ The investing company may make its overseas investment in a number of ways – either by setting up a subsidiary or associate company in the foreign country, by acquiring shares of an overseas company, or through a merger or joint venture. The accepted threshold for a foreign direct investment relationship, as defined by the OECD, is 10%. That is, the foreign investor must own at least 10% or more of the voting stock or ordinary shares of the investee company. An example of foreign direct investment would be an American company taking a majority stake in a company in China. Another example would be a Canadian company setting up a joint venture to develop a mineral deposit in Chile.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Spirit Bound Chapter Thirteen

â€Å"THE HELL YOU CAN,† I said aloud to no one. â€Å"No, you can't,† said Lissa, with an expression that matched my own incredulity. â€Å"I know you've been learning to fight with fire, but you haven't done any staking.† Christian's face was adamant. â€Å"I have–a little. And I can learn more. Mia's got some guardian friends here that have been teaching her physical combat, and I've learned some of it.† The mention of him and Mia working together didn't do much to improve Lissa's opinion. â€Å"You've barely been here a week! You make it sound like you've been training for years with some master.† â€Å"It's better than nothing,† he said. â€Å"And where else are you going to learn? Rose?† Lissa's outrage and disbelief dimmed a little. â€Å"No,† she admitted. â€Å"Never. In fact, Rose would drag me away if she caught me doing it.† Damn straight I would. In fact, despite the obstacles and staff that kept blocking me, I was tempted to march over there right now. â€Å"Then this is your chance,† he said. His voice turned wry. â€Å"Look, I know things aren't†¦ great with us, but that's irrelevant if you're going to learn this. Tell Tatiana you want to bring me to Lehigh. She won't like it, but she'll let you. I'll show you what I know in our free time. Then, when we get back, I'll take you to Mia and her friends.† Lissa frowned. â€Å"If Rose knew†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"That's why we'll start when you're away from Court. She'll be too far away from you to do anything.† Oh, for the love of God. I would give them some lessons about fighting–starting with a punch to Christian's face. â€Å"And when we get back?† asked Lissa. â€Å"She'll find out. It's inevitable with the bond.† He shrugged. â€Å"If she's still on landscape duty, we'll be able to get away with it. I mean, she'll know, but she won't be able to interfere. Much.† â€Å"It may not be enough,† Lissa said with a sigh. â€Å"Rose was right about that–I can't expect to learn in a few weeks what it took her years to do.† Weeks? That was her timeline on this? â€Å"You have to try,† he said, almost gentle. Almost. â€Å"Why are you so interested in this?† Lissa asked suspiciously. â€Å"Why do you care so much about bringing Dimitri back? I mean, I know you liked him, but you don't quite have the same motivation here that Rose does.† â€Å"He was a good guy,† said Christian. â€Å"And if there was a way to turn him back to a dhampir? Yeah, that'd be amazing. But it's more than that†¦ more than just him. If there was a way to save all Strigoi, that would change our world. I mean, not that setting them on fire isn't cool after they've gone on killing sprees, but if we could stop those killing sprees in the first place? That's the key to saving us. All of us.† Lissa was speechless for a moment. Christian had spoken passionately, and there was a hope radiating off of him that she just hadn't expected. It was†¦ moving. He took advantage of her silence. â€Å"Besides, there's no telling what you'd do without any guidance. And I'd like to reduce the odds of you getting yourself killed, because even if Rose wants to deny it, I know you're going to keep pushing this.† Lissa stayed quiet yet again, pondering the situation. I listened to her thoughts, not liking at all where they were going. â€Å"We're leaving at six,† she said at last. â€Å"Can you meet me downstairs at five thirty?† Tatiana wouldn't be thrilled when she heard about the new guest choice, but Lissa was pretty sure she could do some fast talking in the morning. He nodded. â€Å"I'll be there.† Back in my room, I was totally aghast. Lissa was going to attempt to learn to stake a Strigoi–behind my back–and she was going to get Christian to help her. Those two had been snarling at each other since the breakup. I should have felt flattered that sneaking around me was bringing them together, but I wasn't. I was pissed off. I considered my options. The buildings Lissa and I were staying in didn't have the kind of front-desk curfew security that our school dorms had had, but the staff here had been instructed to tip off someone in the guardians' office if I got too social. Hans had also told me to stay away from Lissa until further notice. I pondered it all for a moment, thinking it might be worth Hans dragging me from Lissa's room, and then finally thought of an alternate plan. It was late but not too late, and I left my room for the one next door to mine. Knocking on the door, I hoped my neighbor was still awake. She was a dhampir my age, a recent graduate from a different school. I didn't own a cell phone, but I'd seen her talking on one earlier today. She answered the door a few moments later and fortunately didn't appear to have been in bed. â€Å"Hey,† she said, understandably surprised. â€Å"Hey, can I send a text from your phone?† I didn't want to commandeer her phone with a conversation, and besides, Lissa might just hang up on me. My neighbor shrugged, stepped into the room, and returned with the phone. I had Lissa's number memorized and sent her the following note: I know what you're going to do, and it is a BAD idea. I'm going to kick both your asses when I find you. I handed the phone back to its owner. â€Å"Thanks. If anyone texts back, can you let me know?† She told me she would, but I didn't expect any return texts. I got my message another way. When I returned to the room and Lissa's mind, I got to be there when her phone chimed. Christian had left, and she read my text with a rueful smile. My answer came through the link. She knew I was watching. Sorry, Rose. It's a risk I'll have to take. I'm doing this. I tossed and turned that night, still angry at what Lissa and Christian were trying to do. I didn't think I'd ever fall asleep, but when Adrian came to me in a dream, it became clear that my body's exhaustion had defeated my mind's agitation. â€Å"Las Vegas?† I asked. Adrian's dreams always occurred in different places of his choosing. Tonight, we stood on the Strip, very near where Eddie and I had rendezvoused with Lissa and him at the MGM Grand. The bright lights and neon of the hotels and restaurants gleamed in the blackness, but the whole setting was eerily silent compared to the reality. Adrian had not brought the cars or people of the real Las Vegas here. It was like a ghost town. He smiled, leaning against a pole covered in paper ads for concerts and escort services. â€Å"Well, we didn't really get a chance to enjoy it while we were there.† â€Å"True.† I stood a few feet away, arms crossed over my chest. I had on jeans and a T-shirt, along with my nazar. Adrian had apparently decided not to dress me tonight, for which I was grateful. I could have ended up like one of those Moroi showgirls, in feathers and sequins. â€Å"I thought you were avoiding me.† I still wasn't entirely sure where our relationship stood, despite his flippant attitude back at the Witching Hour. He snorted. â€Å"It's not by my choice, little dhampir. Those guardians are doing their best to keep you in solitary. Well, kind of.† â€Å"Christian managed to sneak in and talk to me earlier,† I said, hoping to avoid the issue that had to be on Adrian's mind: that I'd risked lives to save my ex-boyfriend. â€Å"He's going to try to teach Lissa to stake a Strigoi.† I waited for Adrian to join in my outrage, but he appeared as lax and sardonic as usual. â€Å"Not surprised she's gonna try. What surprises me is that he'd actually be interested in helping with some crazy theory.† â€Å"Well, it's crazy enough to appeal to him†¦ and can apparently overpower them hating each other lately.† Adrian tilted his head, making some of the hair fall over his eyes. A building with blue neon palm trees cast an eerie glow upon his face as he gave me a knowing look. â€Å"Come on, we both know why he's doing it.† â€Å"Because he thinks his after-school group with Jill and Mia qualifies him to teach that stuff?† â€Å"Because it gives him an excuse to be around her–without making it look like he gave in first. That way, he can still seem manly.† I shifted slightly so that the lights of a giant sign advertising slot machines didn't shine in my eyes. â€Å"That's ridiculous.† Especially the part about Christian being manly. â€Å"Guys do ridiculous things for love.† Adrian reached into his pocket and held up a pack of cigarettes. â€Å"Do you know how badly I want one of these right now? Yet I suffer, Rose. All for you.† â€Å"Don't turn romantic on me,† I warned, trying to hide my smile. â€Å"We don't have time for that, not when my best friend wants to go monster hunting.† â€Å"Yeah, but how is she actually going to find him? That's kind of a problem.† Adrian didn't need to elaborate on the â€Å"him.† â€Å"True,† I admitted. â€Å"And she hasn't been able to charm the stake yet anyway, so until she does, all the kung-fu skills in the world won't matter.† â€Å"Guardians don't do kung-fu. And how did you know about the stake?† â€Å"She's asked for my help a couple of times,† he explained. â€Å"Huh. I didn't know that.† â€Å"Well, you've been kind of busy. Not that you've even spared a thought for your poor pining boyfriend.† With all my chores, I hadn't spent a huge amount of time in Lissa's head–just enough to check in with her. â€Å"Hey, I would have taken you over filing any day.† I'd been so afraid that Adrian would be furious with me after Vegas, yet here he was, light and playful. A little too light. I wanted him to focus on the problem at hand. â€Å"What's your take on Lissa and the charms? Is she close to doing it?† Adrian absentmindedly played with the cigarettes, and I was tempted to tell him to go ahead and have one. This was his dream, after all. â€Å"Unclear. I haven't taken to charms the way she has. It's weird having the other elements in there†¦ makes it hard to manipulate spirit.† â€Å"Are you helping her anyway?† I asked suspiciously. He shook his head in amusement. â€Å"What do you think?† I hesitated. â€Å"I†¦ I don't know. You help her with most spirit things, but helping her with this would mean†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"†¦ Helping Dimitri?† I nodded, not trusting myself to elaborate. â€Å"No,† Adrian said at last. â€Å"I'm not helping her, simply because I don't know how.† I exhaled with relief. â€Å"I really am sorry,† I told him. â€Å"For everything†¦ for lying about where I was and what I was doing. It was wrong. And I don't understand†¦ well, I don't get why you're being so nice to me.† â€Å"Should I be mean?† He winked. â€Å"Is that the kind of thing you're into?† â€Å"No! Of course not. But, I mean, you were so mad when you came to Vegas and found out what was going on. I just thought†¦ I don't know. I thought you hated me.† The amusement faded from his features. He came over to me and rested his hands on my shoulders, his dark green eyes dead serious. â€Å"Rose, nothing in this world could make me hate you.† â€Å"Not even trying to bring my ex-boyfriend back from the dead?† Adrian held onto me, and even in a dream, I could smell his skin and cologne. â€Å"Yeah, I'll be honest. If Belikov were walking around right now, alive like he used to be? There would be some problems. I don't want to think what would happen with us if†¦ well, it's not worth wasting time on. He's not here.† â€Å"I still†¦ I still want us to work,† I said meekly. â€Å"I would still try, even if he were back. I just have a hard time letting someone I care about go.† â€Å"I know. You did what you did out of love. I can't be mad at you over that. It was stupid, but that's how love is. Do you have any idea what I'd do for you? To keep you safe?† â€Å"Adrian†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I couldn't meet his eyes. I suddenly felt unworthy. He was so easy to underestimate. The only thing I could do was lean my head against his chest and let him wrap his arms around me. â€Å"I'm sorry.† â€Å"Be sorry you lied,† he said, pressing a kiss to my forehead. â€Å"Don't be sorry you loved him. That's part of you, part you have to let go, yeah, but still something that's made you who you are.† Part you have to let go†¦ Adrian was right, and that was a damned scary thing to admit. I'd had my shot. I'd made my gamble to save Dimitri, and it had failed. Lissa wouldn't get anywhere with the stake, meaning I really did have to treat Dimitri the way everyone else did: He was dead. I had to move on. â€Å"Damn it,† I muttered. â€Å"What?† asked Adrian. â€Å"I hate it when you're the sane one. That's my job.† â€Å"Rose,† he said, forcibly trying to keep a serious tone, â€Å"I can think of many words to describe you, sexy and hot being at the top of the list. You know what's not on the list? Sane.† I laughed. â€Å"Okay, well, then my job is to be the less crazy one.† He considered. â€Å"That I can accept.† I brought my lips up to his, and even if there were still some shaky things in our relationship, there was no uncertainty in how we kissed. Kissing in a dream felt exactly like real life. Heat blossomed between us, and I felt a thrill run through my whole body. He released my hands and wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing us closer. I realized that it was time to start believing what I kept saying. Life did go on. Dimitri might be gone, but I could have something with Adrian–at least until my job took me away. That was, of course, assuming I got one. Hell, if Hans kept me on desk duty here and Adrian continued his slothful ways, we could be together forever. Adrian and I kissed for a long time, pressing closer and closer. At last I broke things off. If you had sex in a dream, did that mean you'd really done it? I didn't know, and I certainly wasn't going to find out. I wasn't ready for that yet. I stepped back, and Adrian took the hint. â€Å"Find me when you get some freedom.† â€Å"Hopefully soon,† I said. â€Å"The guardians can't punish me forever.† Adrian looked skeptical, but he let the dream dissolve without further comment. I returned to my own bed and my own dreams. The only thing that stopped me from intercepting Lissa and Christian when they met up early in her lobby the next day was that Hans summoned me to work even earlier. He put me on paperwork duty–in the vaults, ironically enough–leaving me to file and stew over Lissa and Christian as I watched them through my bond. I took it as a sign of my multitasking skills that I was able to alphabetize and spy at the same time. Yet my observations were interrupted when a voice said, â€Å"Didn't expect to find you here again.† I blinked out of Lissa's head and looked up from my paperwork. Mikhail stood before me. In light of the complications that had ensued with the Victor incident, I'd nearly forgotten Mikhail's involvement in our â€Å"escape.† I set the files down and gave him a small smile. â€Å"Yeah, weird how fate works, huh? They actually want me here now.† â€Å"Indeed. You're in a fair amount of trouble, I hear.† My smile turned into a grimace. â€Å"Tell me about it.† I glanced around, even though I knew we were alone. â€Å"You didn't get in any trouble, did you?† He shook his head. â€Å"No one knows what I did.† â€Å"Good.† At least one person had escaped this debacle unscathed. My guilt couldn't have handled him getting caught too. Mikhail knelt so that he was eye level with me, resting his arms on the table I sat at. â€Å"Were you successful? Was it worth it?† â€Å"That's a hard question to answer.† He arched an eyebrow. â€Å"There were some†¦ not so successful things that happened. But we did find out what we wanted to know–or, well, we think we did.† His breath caught. â€Å"How to restore a Strigoi?† â€Å"I think so. If our informant was telling the truth, then yeah. Except, even if he was†¦ well, it's not that easy to do. It's nearly impossible, really.† â€Å"What is it?† I hesitated. Mikhail had helped us, but he wasn't in my circle of confidants. Yet even now, I saw that haunted look in his eyes, the one I'd seen before. The pain of losing his beloved still tormented him. It likely always would. Would I be doing more harm than good by telling him what I'd learned? Would this fleeting hope only hurt him more? I finally decided to tell him. Even if he told others–and I didn't think he would–most would laugh it off anyway. There would be no damage there. The real trouble would come if he told anyone about Victor and Robert–but I didn't actually have to mention their involvement to him. Unlike Christian, it had apparently not occurred to Mikhail that the prison break so big in Moroi news had been pulled off by the teens he helped smuggle out. Mikhail probably couldn't spare a thought for anything that didn't involve saving his Sonya. â€Å"It takes a spirit user,† I explained. â€Å"One with a spirit-charmed stake, and then he†¦ or she†¦ has to stake the Strigoi.† â€Å"Spirit†¦Ã¢â‚¬  That element was still foreign to most Moroi and dhampirs–but not to him. â€Å"Like Sonya. I know spirit's supposed to make them more alluring†¦ but I swear, she never needed it. She was beautiful on her own.† As always, Mikhail's face took on that same sad look it did whenever Ms. Karp was mentioned. I'd never really seen him truly happy since meeting him and thought he'd be pretty good-looking if he ever genuinely smiled. He suddenly seemed embarrassed at his romantic lapse and returned to business. â€Å"What spirit user could do a staking?† â€Å"None,† I said flatly. â€Å"Lissa Dragomir and Adrian Ivashkov are the only two spirit users I even know–well, aside from Avery Lazar.† I was leaving Oksana and Robert out of this. â€Å"Neither of them has the skill to do it–you know that as well as I do. And Adrian has no interest in it anyway.† Mikhail was sharp, picking up on what I didn't say. â€Å"But Lissa does?† â€Å"Yes,† I admitted. â€Å"But it would take her years to learn to do it. If not longer. And she's the last of her line. She can't be risked like that.† The truth of my words hit him, and I couldn't help but share his pain and disappointment. Like me, he'd put a lot of faith into this last-ditch effort to be reunited with his lost love. I had just affirmed that it was possible†¦ yet impossible. I think it would have been easier on both of us to learn it had all been a hoax. He sighed and stood up. â€Å"Well†¦ I appreciate you going after this. Sorry your punishment is for nothing.† I shrugged. â€Å"It's okay. It was worth it.† â€Å"I hope†¦Ã¢â‚¬  His face turned hesitant. â€Å"I hope it ends soon and doesn't affect anything.† â€Å"Affect what?† I asked sharply, catching the edge in his voice. â€Å"Just†¦ well, guardians who disobey orders sometimes face long punishments.† â€Å"Oh. This.† He was referring to my constant fear of being stuck with a desk job. I tried to play flippant and not to show how much that possibility scared me. â€Å"I'm sure Hans was bluffing. I mean, would he really make me do this forever just because I ran away and–â€Å" I stopped, my mouth hanging open when a knowing glint flashed in Mikhail's eyes. I'd heard long ago how he'd tried to track down Ms. Karp, but the logistics had never really hit me until now. No one would have condoned his search. He would have had to leave on his own, breaking protocol, and come skulking back when he finally gave up on locating her. He would have been in just as much trouble as me for going MIA. â€Å"Is that†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I swallowed. â€Å"Is that why you†¦ why you work down here in the vaults now?† Mikhail didn't answer my question. Instead, he glanced down with a small smile and pointed at my stacks of paper. â€Å"F comes before L,† he said before turning and leaving. â€Å"Damn,† I muttered, looking down. He was right. Apparently I couldn't alphabetize so well while watching Lissa. Still, once I was alone, that didn't stop me from tuning back into her mind. I wanted to know what she was doing†¦ and I didn't want to think about how what I'd done would probably be considered worse than Mikhail's deeds in the eyes of the guardians. Or that a similar–or worse–punishment might be in store for me. Lissa and Christian were at a hotel near Lehigh's campus. The middle of the vampiric day meant evening for the human university. Lissa's tour wouldn't start until their morning the next day, which meant she had to bide her time at the hotel now and try to adjust to a human schedule. Lissa's â€Å"new† guardians, Serena and Grant, were with her, along with three extras that the queen had sent as well. Tatiana had allowed Christian to come along and hadn't been nearly as opposed as Lissa had feared–which again made me question if the queen really was as awful as I'd always believed. Priscilla Voda, a close advisor of the queen that both Lissa and I liked, was also accompanying Lissa as she looked around the school. Two of the additional guardians stayed with Priscilla; the third stayed with Christian. They ate dinner as a group and then retired to their rooms. Serena was actually staying with Lissa in hers while Grant stood guard outside the door. Watching all this triggered a pang in me. Pair guarding–it was what I'd been trained for. What I'd been expecting my whole life to do for Lissa. Serena was a picture-perfect example of guardian aloofness, being there but not there as Lissa hung up some of her clothes. A knock at the door immediately shot Serena into action. Her stake was in hand, and she strode to the door, looking out through its peephole. I couldn't help but admire her reaction time, though part of me would never believe anyone could guard Lissa as well as I could. â€Å"Get back,† Serena said to Lissa. A moment later, the tension in Serena faded a tiny bit, and she opened the door. Grant stood there with Christian beside him. â€Å"He's here to see you,† Grant said, like it wasn't obvious. Lissa nodded. â€Å"Um, yeah. Come on in.† Christian stepped inside when Grant backed away. Christian gave Lissa a meaningful look as he did, making a small head nod toward Serena. â€Å"Hey, um, would you mind giving us some privacy?† As soon as the words were out of Lissa's mouth, she turned bright pink. â€Å"I mean†¦ we just†¦ we just need to talk about some things, that's all.† Serena kept her face almost neutral, but it was clear she thought they were going to do more than talk. Average teen dating wasn't usually hot gossip in the Moroi world, but Lissa, with her notoriety, attracted a bit more attention with her romantic affairs. Serena would have known Christian and Lissa had gone out and broken up. For all she knew, they were back together now. Lissa inviting him on this trip certainly suggested it. Serena glanced around warily. The balance of protection and privacy was always difficult with Moroi and guardians, and hotel rooms like this made it even harder. If they were on a vampiric schedule, with everyone sleeping during daylight hours, I didn't doubt Serena would have stepped into the hall with Grant. But it was dark outside, and even a fifth-floor window could be a Strigoi liability. Serena wasn't keen on leaving her new charge alone. Lissa's hotel suite had an expansive living room and work area, with an adjacent bedroom accessible through frosted-glass French doors. Serena nodded toward them. â€Å"How about I just go in there?† A smart idea. Provided privacy but kept her close by. Then, Serena realized the implications, and she blushed. â€Å"I mean†¦ unless you guys want to go in there and I'll–â€Å" â€Å"No,† exclaimed Lissa, growing more and more embarrassed. â€Å"This is fine. We'll stay in here. We're just talking.† I wasn't sure whose benefit that was for, Serena's or Christian's. Serena nodded and disappeared into the bedroom with a book, which reminded me eerily of Dimitri. She shut the door. Lissa wasn't sure how well noise traveled, so she turned the TV on. â€Å"God, that was miserable,† she groaned. Christian seemed totally at ease as he leaned against the wall. He wasn't the formal type by any means, but he'd put on dress clothes for dinner earlier and still wore them. They looked good on him, no matter how much he always complained. â€Å"Why?† â€Å"Because she thinks we're–she thinks we're–well, you know.† â€Å"So? What's the big deal?† Lissa rolled her eyes. â€Å"You're a guy. Of course it doesn't matter to you.† â€Å"Hey, it's not like we haven't. Besides, better for her to think that than to know the truth.† The reference to their past sex life inspired a mix of emotions–embarrassment, anger, and longing–but she refused to let that show. â€Å"Fine. Let's just get this over with. We've got a big day, and our sleep's going to be all screwy as it is. Where do we start? Do you want me to get the stake?† â€Å"No need yet. We should just practice some basic defensive moves.† He straightened up and moved toward the center of the room, dragging a table out of the way. I swear, if not for the context, watching the two of them attempt combat training on their own would have been hilarious. â€Å"Okay,† he said. â€Å"So you already know how to punch.† â€Å"What? I do not!† He frowned. â€Å"You knocked out Reed Lazar. Rose mentioned it, like, a hundred times. I've never heard her so proud about something.† â€Å"I punched one person once in my life,† she pointed out. â€Å"And Rose was coaching me. I don't know if I could do it again.† Christian nodded, looking disappointed–not in her skills but because he had an impatient nature and wanted to jump right into the really hard-core fighting stuff. Nonetheless, he proved a surprisingly patient teacher as he went over the fine art of punching and hitting. A lot of his moves were actually things he'd picked up from me. He'd been a decent student. Was he at guardian levels? No. Not by a long shot. And Lissa? She was smart and competent, but she wasn't wired for combat, no matter how badly she wanted to help with this. Punching Reed Lazar had been a beautiful thing, but it didn't appear to be anything that would ever become natural for her. Fortunately, Christian started with simple dodging and watching one's opponent. Lissa was just a beginner at it but showed a lot of promise. Christian seemed to chalk it up to his instructive skills, but I'd always thought spirit users had a kind of preternatural instinct about what others might do next. I doubted it would work on Strigoi, though. After a little of that, Christian finally returned to offense, and that's when things went bad. Lissa's gentle, healing nature didn't mesh with that, and she refused to really strike out with her full force, for fear of hurting him. When he realized what was happening, his snarky temper started to rise. â€Å"Come on! Don't hold back.† â€Å"I'm not,† she protested, delivering a punch to his chest that didn't come close to budging him. He raked a hand irritably through his hair. â€Å"You are too! I've seen you knock on a door harder than you're hitting me.† â€Å"That's a ridiculous metaphor.† â€Å"And,† he added, â€Å"you aren't aiming for my face.† â€Å"I don't want to leave a mark!† â€Å"Well, at the rate we're going, there's no danger of that,† he muttered. â€Å"Besides, you can heal it away.† I was amused at their bickering but didn't like his casual encouragement of spirit use. I still hadn't shaken my guilt over the long-term damage that the prison break could have caused. Reaching forward, Christian grabbed her by the wrist and jerked her toward him. He balled her fingers with his other hand and then slowly demonstrated how to swing a punch upward by pulling her fist toward his face. He was more interested in showing the technique and motion, so it only brushed against him. â€Å"See? Arc upward. Make the impact right there. Don't worry about hurting me.† â€Å"It's not that simple†¦.† Her protest died off, and suddenly, they both seemed to notice the situation they were in. There was barely any space between them, and his fingers were still wrapped around her wrist. They felt warm against Lissa's skin and were sending electricity through the rest of her body. The air between them seemed thick and heavy, like it might just wrap them up and pull them together. From the widening of Christian's eyes and sudden intake of breath, I was willing to bet he was having a similar reaction at being so close to her body. Coming to himself, he abruptly released her hand and stepped back. â€Å"Well,† he said roughly, though still clearly unnerved by the proximity, â€Å"I guess you aren't really serious about helping Rose.† That did it. Sexual tension notwithstanding, anger kindled up in Lissa at the comment. She balled her fist and totally caught Christian off guard when she swung out and socked him in the face. It didn't have the grace of her Reed punch, but it took Christian hard. Unfortunately, she lost her balance in the maneuver and stumbled forward into him. The two of them went down together, hitting the floor and knocking over a small table and lamp nearby. The lamp caught the table's corner and broke. Meanwhile, Lissa had landed on Christian. His arms instinctively went out around her, and if the space between them before had been small, it was nonexistent now. They stared into each other's eyes, and Lissa's heart was pounding fiercely in her chest. That tantalizing electric feeling crackled around them again, and all the world for her seemed to focus on his lips. Both she and I wondered later if they might have kissed, but just then, Serena came bursting out of the bedroom. She was on guardian high alert, body tense and ready to face an army of Strigoi with her stake in hand. She came screeching to a halt when she saw the scene before her: what appeared to be a romantic interlude. Admittedly, it was an odd one, what with the broken lamp and swelling red mark on Christian's face. It was pretty awkward for everyone, and Serena's attack mode faded to one of confusion. â€Å"Oh,† she said uncertainly. â€Å"Sorry.† Embarrassment flooded Lissa, as well as self-resentment at being affected so much by Christian. She was furious at him, after all. Hastily, she pulled away and sat up, and in her flustered state, she felt the need to make it clear that there was nothing romantic whatsoever going on. â€Å"It†¦ it's not what you think,† she stuttered, looking anywhere except at Christian, who was getting to his feet and seemed just as mortified as Lissa. â€Å"We were fighting. I mean, practicing fighting. I want to learn to defend against Strigoi. And attack them. And stake them. So Christian was kind of helping me, that's all.† There was something cute about her rambling, and it reminded me charmingly of Jill. Serena visibly relaxed, and while she'd mastered that blank face all guardians excelled at, it was clear she was amused. â€Å"Well,† she said, â€Å"it doesn't look like you're doing a very good job.† Christian turned indignant as he stroked his injured cheek. â€Å"Hey! We are too. I taught her this.† Serena still thought it was all funny, but a serious, considering glint was starting to form in her eyes. â€Å"That seems like it was more lucky than anything else.† She hesitated, like she was on the verge of a big decision. At last she said, â€Å"Look, if you guys are serious about this, then you need to learn to do it the right way. I'll show you how.† No. Way. I was seriously on the verge of escaping the Court and hitchhiking to Lehigh to really show them how to throw a punch–with Serena as my example–when something jolted me away from Lissa and back into my own reality. Hans. I had a sarcastic greeting on my lips, but he didn't give me a chance. â€Å"Forget the filing and follow me. You've been summoned.† â€Å"I–what?† Highly unexpected. â€Å"Summoned where?† His face was grim. â€Å"To see the queen.†

Friday, September 27, 2019

Buffering Work-Family Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Buffering Work-Family Conflict - Essay Example The government has formulated policies that restrict the time for working. The employers implement these policies in a bid to buffer work-family conflicts. This occurs through giving employees a greater flexibility at work. The employees have freedom of choice on the appropriate time to work either part time or full time. Another factor is social support, where employees have the chance to receive members of their families as visitors during working hours. This helps the employees to reduce their personal and social pressures, as they are able to focus on both family and work. The competition between work and family reduces, thus buffering the work-family conflicts. The other factor relates to the management of the employees’ set of behavior that are incompatible for work and family (Poelmans, 2005). The most important factors in the reduction of work-family conflict are the implementation of government policies and social support for workers. Government policies govern the working hours of the employees. The employees have the ability to take time off from work, whenever they require taking care of their families. The government policies also capture the minimum wage of employees. This helps to reduce the financial conflicts that could arise due to the lack of money for satisfying basic family needs. On the other hand, social support is important because it helps employees in becoming efficient at work. Companies that provide emotional support to their employees have shown high performance. Such organizations also offer appraisal support that involves giving feedback on the employees, performance on their duties. Such employees also receive encouragement and affirmation on job promotions. Through social support, the employees are able to receive informational support through directives and advice from their seniors. This ensures that they avoid common mistakes at their places of work. The employees also

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Institution of Learning Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Institution of Learning - Case Study Example Secondly, the fact that Steven is senior in the college, creative, but hates having to write reports or deliver presentation, it might interfere with his contribution to the development and presentation of the project. Third, Erick made certain alteration of some of the wording in the report and added different information, making a number of parts to sound unoriginal without consulting the other two members, thus breaching the spirit of a team (Shepard, 2005). Fourth, Kelly is in an aggressive quest to relocate to Oregon soonest possible to be close to her fiance and intends to switch her career. Perhaps, she was adhering to agency theory that indicates the relationship between motivation and the individual worker’s productivity. It seems the workers are not motivated, thus could not work as a team because the perception from their interaction is that each operates on his/her own (Shepard, 2005). This fact could interfere with the group spirit since she might not be intereste d in the outcome of the project, contrary to the goal of the group initiative. The case also revealed that Steven, Eric and Kelly decided that they could individually self-organize and let each other prepare for the presentation in his/her own fashion. This contravenes the group spirit since they were to agree on all aspects of the project, create a sense of understanding on each of them, on the full report and finally give one of them the opportunity to do the presentation. This would be important because, allowing each person to present in his/her own fashion could give room for manipulation of the content to their personal interest and satisfaction, perhaps not for the Institution (Shepard, 2005). The key Problems in this Case There are certain problems in this case ranging from personal to technological in nature. For example, there tree staff members lack coordination since they do not interact during their duties. To substantiate this claim, the Steven and Kelly could not prep are the ten questions, which they agreed on for the interview, citing their own reason for failing to do so. Steve only had five questions while Kelly did not present questions at all, claiming that the system could not open her document to print the questions. Indeed, this posted a big challenge in executing a group’s project and should be addressed, if the three staff members wanted to succeed in the initiative (Shepard, 2005). Moreover, after deliberation on the project, Erick prepared the final draft and sent a copy to the IT Director and Mark for their review. Surprisingly, he did this without consulting Steven and Kelly for their comment on the final draft. Therefore, the two could not endorse the content of the final draft, subsequently creating a problem during its presentation (Shepard, 2005). As given in the case, Kelly established at least two flaws in the final draft, which did not make sense for her, but had no choice since the final copy had reached the IT Direc tor and Mark who initially did not have any problem with the document. The second problem is time keeping. The case information stated that Steve and Kelly could not report in time for the presentation, despite Erick’s effort to arrive 30 minutes earlier. Kelly’

Market plan task 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Market plan task 2 - Essay Example Based on the company and the current position, it is clear that Starbucks has a strong product profile and the company is very ethical and has also developed products to meet the needs of the children as well. Keeping in mind the current interest in healthier lifestyles, the following recommendations can be made to the company for their marketing. Also a detailed explanation of the marketing mix has also been provided below. The recommended strategy for the company is to develop product extension. Here the company can effectively introduce new products to the current menu. The main aim and target audiences here are the younger customers. Hence the company can introduce the products to meet the needs of these individuals. The following details in the marketing mix helps provide a better understanding on the inclusions that the company can make to their menus as a product expansion. Product: In terms of the products, the company needs to focus on introducing new kid size drinks. These drinks need to be less caffeinated, less sweetened and also need to met the health norms. The products should be available in low calories for young adults below (Hakansson and Waluszewski). Since it is clear that healthier options like fresh fruit juices or other nutritional choices will not help the customers stay away from the high calories (Rudelius). Hence here the company can take an initiative by introducing the same products however with low fat and calories for the children. Place: In terms of place, the company can continue to use the current place for the children as well. Here they can however also include a more appropriate setting and environment for the younger audiences (Jobber). This will help keep up the current environment of the adult audiences and will also provide the younger customers with a more appropriate place (Hakansson and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reflection - 21st century skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reflection - 21st century skills - Essay Example Students are encouraged to learn by doing, which increases their global skills highly needed in the 21st century. The portal also focuses on leadership, and collaboration between teachers and students. However, teachers seem to be focusing more on the digital recording of the grades rather than on the core content of the subjects. The portal system is not appropriate for early year students, since they cannot use the digital technology properly. The teachers of early year students still need to come face-to-face with the parents to communicate effectively. Also, the system seems to be discouraging the traditional way of teaching subjects. Students will slowly forget the conventional classroom environment. Hence, besides promoting global skills, the core content also needs to be focused upon. Students must also learn how to communicate in person while being good at

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Given in attatchment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Given in attatchment - Case Study Example Hence the presence of wireless providers will become more evident. In addition, the demand for wireless and mobile services appears to reach all-time highs. In United Kingdom, Vodafone PLC is one of the most prominent mobile firms. The market value of Vodafone is over 84.7 billion (Vodafone PLC, 2007). By far, this is the biggest in the world among mobile telecommunication operators. As proof to its dominance, Vodafone is partnered with firms in 39 countries worldwide. The firm has been a picture of success in the mobile industry. There were several companies which have tried but failed to penetrate a diverse market. Vodafone's success is often attributed to its strategies and the commitment to make a difference in the industry. Further, Vodafone has dedicated all of its resources to ensure that its customers are provided with top-notch service and solutions. Vodafone understands the need to change because of competition. Changes in consumer preference also affect Vodafone's current direction. To ensure success, the firm amassed high quality resources from the technology used to the personnel delivering the services. Vodafone also assess its current strategies and reviews the performance of these techniques. The company follows a meticulous process to arrive at the best possible decisions for given circumstances. Vodafone PLC caters to approximately 200 million clients. ... In addition, the firm has to settle impairment charges and losses from discontinued operations. But Vodafone's operating revenues was positive in 2006. In fact, the firm has amassed sales of 29 billion during the said year. Of these revenues, 9.4 billion was recorded as operating profit before the mentioned costs and losses. In UK, Vodafone competes against O2, T-Mobile, Virgin Media, 3, and Orange. At present the firm controls 21% of the actual market share. It ranks second in terms of controlled market in UK. Vodafone is known as a partner to several other wireless companies operating across the world. It is affiliated with providers that are market leaders. Vodafone continues to transact with other mobile operators to further expand its presence (Sheth, 2006). III. SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is defined as the scrutiny of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of an organisation (QuickMBA, 2007). This serves as an assessment of the firm's current market position. The primary strength of the company centres on innovation. The products developed by Vodafone identify the company. Another important strength of Vodafone PLC is linked to its reputation. The firm's links with other mobile providers in the world is a major strength. Instead of establishing a mobile network, Vodafone uses already established wireless firms in various markets. This save the company costs and allows Vodafone to make minimal investments with high returns. The brands developed by the firm are known to be of high quality. But Vodafone PLC has some obvious weaknesses. These include the weak performance of its partners. At times, Vodafone is dependent in the manner in which its partner

Monday, September 23, 2019

Living religion is not so much about where we finally arrive, but how Essay

Living religion is not so much about where we finally arrive, but how we move there - Essay Example The Native American Individuals had no plans of worshiping and reverenced when they were bemused by something in life. They continually changed their doctrines guiding their religion to match with the changing environment. Judaism is considered a way of people’s life. It is a living religion, since it is made up of the society, adoration and holidays. The Jewish religion thrived where there was the presence of a Jewish individual. The religious services were lively when the Jews assembled for the purposes of worship. The Judaism holidays enabled the Jews to stay connected through out the year seasons. Buddhism is an antique religious conviction practiced by the Egyptians and the Greeks. Buddhism is a living religious conviction as it is published in books and the internet. The teachings of the Buddha are applicable by the contemporary Buddhists in their daily activities in the society. Individuals still strive to apply the values of the ancient Buddha. Buddhism understands the suffering, which is part of human life contrary to other religions blaming suffering on other causes. Hinduism is the oldest creed in the universe. Its ideologies are based on the facts that everyone garners the fruits of his labor. It is based on the external truth as written in the scriptures. The religion lacks a common founder leading to conflicting ideologies spread by various groups. It is based on Gods’ involvement in the daily activity of an individual. There are several living teachers of Hinduism, hence, it is considered as a primeval living religion. It is a living religion as it evolves to match individual religious demands. Christianity has expanded to increase its number of followers. It treats all its followers as equal and is proof to the miracles, truths, peace and love in its doctrines. Christianity has never changed its religious inceptions or doctrines and is forever in a stable state of evolution. Islam is a living religion as

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Initial Public Offerings Paper Essay Example for Free

Initial Public Offerings Paper Essay In order for a company to build their business, many pursue to either merge with another company or acquisitions from another company. Another option a company should consider when building their business is to make an Initial Public Offering. An initial public offering is the first sale of stock by a company to the public. A company can raise money by issuing either debt or equity (Know Finance., n.d.). Microsoft, Apple, and Samsung have stepped into the stock market by their IPO. These strides are what it takes to raise money and what roles help the company begin an IPO. Most corporations agree to an initial public offering with an investment banking firm by acting in the capacity of an underwriter. An investment banker is a person who works in a financial institution that primarily goal is to raise capital for companies, governments and other entities (Investopedia, n.d.). An underwriter is a person that provides several financial services that includes helping with assessing the value of shares and establishing a public market for first sales (Investopedia, n.d.). An underwriter responsibility is allotting securities issued to the public. There are several risks that are involved in a public offering. Initial public offering stocks is one of the risks involved in public offering (Financial Web, 2014). This is sometimes called going public because the stock is offered first to the public. Share, the risks of the company, can sometimes be profitable, but a risk too. An investor, shareholder, or individual may be at risks if they invest their money within a company that is going public for the first time (Financial Web, 2014). Pricing of good is one of the risks that are involved in a public offering. Pricing goods too high or too low is not acceptable in the public offering. Investors and shareholders will not invest in a company if there are any issues with the pricing. A firm and their investors will lose money their money if the price of goods is priced too low. This may cause investors to pull out of the firm corporation (Financial Web, 2014). Loss of income and revenue may sometimes make the underwriters hold the inventory and additional funds. Long holding period and lack of information are other risks that are involved in a public offering. Lack of information may cause investors to pull out of the firm because the firm failed to provide all of the documents and files. Long holding period may cause a decrease in stock price. The  U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) protects the investors, maintain fair, efficient markets, orderly, and facilitate capital formation (Bridge Capital Inc., 2014). The SEC deals with industries by monitoring, managing the terms of sales by preliminary prospectus and setting rules and regulations for companies. Preliminary prospectus is when the company and the securities are issues to the firm. A firm will have provided their income statement, balance sheets, its current activities, and other documents that provide information about the firm. The Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (PSLRA) was put in act to increase the success in private litigation for securities fraud. References: Initial Public Offering (IPO) | Know Finance. (n.d.). Retrieved from Investment Banker Definition | Investopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from Underwriter Definition | Investopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from Financial Web. (2014). Retrieved from Bridge Capital Inc. (2014). Retrieved from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

How are wages determined in India

How are wages determined in India How wages are determined in India? Is it through collective bargaining (union and firms) or by the employer or by bargaining between employer and individual employee or take-it -or-leave -it- basis or through any other mechanism? Framework for wage calculation Organized Sector:- The `day, `week and `month are the basic units for wages calculation. Used in combination. Normal working week is five days (for government) five half days/ six days. `Hour is generally not a unit for wage calculation. (In newer sectors like IT, ITES hour is becoming a standard). Wage payment is made monthly. Unorganized sector: `Day is the common unit of calculation. In certain cases piece rate wages as well as hourly wages. Methods of Wage Determination in India Committee on Fair Wages 1946 Minimum Wage: bare subsistence of worker, enough for health, efficiency and working capability Fair wage: Above minimum wage Living wage: male worker not to provide for himself, but for family not just bare necessities but frugal comfort, education for children, social security etc. Need based minimum wage Institutions involved in wage determination Wages Legislation. (covers organized/unorganized) Wage Boards (covering select private and public sectors). Pay Commission (for government/Public Sector). Collective Bargaining (for covered workers). Government Directives/Special commissions Salary Surveys/Compensation Consultants for private sector, non-officer cadre. Wages Legislation Minimum Wages Act 1948 Payment of Wages Act 1936: Introduced to ensure that wages are not withheld, no wrongful deductions made and payment is made in such manner that wage earner will benefit. (Objective was to reduce effects of payment in kind for work done). Agriculture sector not covered. Equal Remuneration Act 1976: Payment of equal wages for men and women workers for same work or work of same nature. However, discrimination exists in terms of definition as: difficult work (men) and easy work (work) in same workplace Companies Act 1952. Other (s): Payment of Bonus Act: 8.33% minimum bonus and 20% maximum, even for loss making organizations. Workers earning up to Rs 3500 per month alone eligible. Calculation of Minimum Wages 15th Indian Labor Conference: Standard working family of 1 man (earning) + 1 woman (wife) + 2 children. 2700 calories for adult 80% for wife and 60% for child (daily) 72 yards of cloth per annum. Government rental cost for housing 20% of above for fuel, lighting, miscellaneous. This formed the basis for calculation. Minimum Wages: present situation Idea of National Minimum wages not accepted. Hence minimum wages determined by center/state government for different occupations. Now total 200 occupations covered. For same occupation, minimum wages vary from state to state. Declared on per day basis for 8 hour work Wage Indexation The system of DA (Dearness Allowance) to take care of effects of inflation. (Cost of living). Indexation can be fixed or variable (indexation value decreases as income rises). Consumer Price Index used as the basis. Clearly followed in organized sector. On some states minimum wages revised periodically, so no requirement for indexation. Un-organized Sector Inherited worker. Contract worker. Casual worker. Beck and call worker. Free labor/Help. Bonded/Child (illegal) Organized Sector Permanent worker. Contract Worker. Badali Worker (substitute) Casual Worker (daily wages). Apprentice/Trainee.Types of employment contracts The central govt. convened in 1947, and a tripartite conference consisting of representatives of employers, labor and government. Govt. of India formulated industrial policy resolution in 1948 where the govt. has mentioned to items which has bearing on wages Statutory fixation of minimum wages Promotion of fair wages. To achieve 1st objective, the minimum wages act, 1948 was passed to lay down certain norms and procedures for determination and fixation of wages by central and state govt. To achieve 2nd objective govt. of India appointed in 1949, a tripartite committee on fair wages to determine the principles on which fair wages should be fixed Wages and salary incomes in India are fixed through several institutions. These are Collective bargaining Industrial wage bound Govt. appointed pay commissions COLLECTIVE BARGAINING:- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Collective bargaining relates to those arrangements under which wages and conditions of employments are generally decided by agreements negotiated between the parties. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Broadly speaking the following factors affect the wage determination by collective bargaining process Alternate choices demands Institutional necessities The right and capacity to strike In a modern democratic society wages are determined by collective bargaining in contrast to individual bargaining by working. In the matter of wage bargaining, unions are primarily concerned with General level of wage rates Structure of wages rates (differential among occupations) Bonus, incentives and fringe benefits, Administration of wages Executive salaries have been shooting through the roof , particularly in sunrise sectors like IT, Bio Tech INDUSTRIAL WAGE BOARDS:- Concept of wage board was first enunciated by committee on fair wages. It was commended by first five year plan and second five year plan also considered wage board as an acceptable machinery for setting wage disputes. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Wage boards in India are of two types Statutory wage board Tripartite wage board Statutory wage board means a body set up by law or with legal authority to establish minimum wages and other standards of employment which are then legally enforceable in particular trade or industry to which boards decision relate. Tripartite wage board means a voluntary negotiating body set up by discussions between organized employers, workers and govt. to regulate wages, working hours and related conditions of employment. Tripartite Wage Boards consists of equal representatives of employers and workers and an independent Chairman. Wage board decisions are not final and are subjected to either executive or judicious review or reconsideration by other authority or tribunals. The powers and procedure of wage boards are same as those industrial Determined the wages and other remuneration to be given to the workers in industries, where wage boards are formed. Wage bargaining mostly took place at the industry level, and through Government controlled wage boards. First Wage Board (Divatia Wage Board) was constituted in May, 1956 PAY COMMISSIONS:- First pay commission was appointed by govt. of India in 1946 under chairmanship of justice vardachariar to enquire in to conditions of service of central govt. employees. The vardachariar commission in its report said that in no case should a mans pay less than living wage The 2nd pay commission was appointed in Aug. 1957. and commission submits its report in 1959, examined the norms for fixing a need based minimum wage set up 15th session of ILC. Govt. of India appointed third pay commissions in 1970s which submit its report in April 1973. In this report commission express its support for a system in which pay adjustments will occurs automatically upon an upward movement in consumer price index. After thirteen years, govt, appointed fourth central pay commissions under chairmanship of justice P.N.Singhal on July 26, 1983 to examine structure of all central govt. employees, including those of union territories. Officers belong to all India service and armed forces. Commission submits its report on July 30, 1986 and recommended drastic changes in pay scale. The 5th pay commission (1952-1996) made certain recommendation regarding restricting of pay scales. The 6th pay commissions was established on 2006 and committee submit its report on March 2008.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Addiction :: essays research papers

Addiction is compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol). Someone who is addicted or hooked psychologically believes that they cannot function without this substance in their bodies. Drug and alcohol addiction and tear families apart, they change individuals who once were the best people to be around with. Most addictions start at an individuals adolescence age where they just learning who they are and how to fit it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Drug addiction can and most of the time leads the individual to stealing from friends and even family. These individual do what ever is in the power to get a hold of their preferred drug. They are capable of hurting those who love them and the ones they love.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many warning signs to addictions which, include the list of the following:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tolerance. If a person needs increasing amounts of a drug to feel high then they are developing tolerance.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Preoccupation with the drug. A preoccupied person thinks constantly about a drug  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Personality changes. Individuals withdraw from their friends and their family.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Solitary use. Individuals often begin using the drug as a social thing but then once they begin to use it alone they can be losing control.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Using drugs as medicine. People often use drugs to take the edge off stressful situation or unpleasant feelings. They may rationalize their use and make it see normal  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Continued use despises negative consequences. Drug dependence compels people to use in spite of problem or loss of friends. Some individuals do not become addicted as others do but no one knows why only that it has to do wit individual’s biology.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Alice Munros The Red Dress and The Day of The Butterfly Essays

Alice Munro's The Red Dress and The Day of The Butterfly â€Å"The Red Dress† and â€Å"The Day of The Butterfly† are two very interesting stories, written by an exceptional Canadian author, Alice Munro. Both of these stories are well written and can be associated with what goes on in today’s society. The principal characters, human relationships, and the importance of symbolism exist, in both of these stories, strongly. There are many similarities, and also differences between the two short stories, that compare and contrast what can be viewed upon in our daily lives.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The principal characters of â€Å"The Red Dress† is the narrator, who’s name never gets revealed throughout the story, and the principal character in â€Å"The Day of The Butterfly†, Myra, have many similarities. These principal characters are both females with low self-esteems. Both Myra, and the narrator have no control over their lives, and therefore strive for their own unique individuality. However they both suffer because of the control that their parents have over their lives. They both have few friends and strive to be popular. However until they become individuals themselves they will continue to suffer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another contribution to the story is the human relationships, that take place between both of the main characters. These character relationships are completely different. The narrator has many problems with her mother, and her best friend. The main conflicts that take place between both of the stories...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Learn the Law. Question the Law :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the course of human history, people have advanced technology and educated minds in ways that once would not have seemed impossible. From caves drawings to televisions and from the bow and arrow to the machine gun, humans have continually improved their standard of living over the years. Although we now have all sorts of things people could only dream of a thousand years ago, we still live like cavemen in many ways. One of these ways is our contempt refusal to tolerate severe injustice at many levels of society. Just like most problems, injustice starts at the top, and often starts with the people that are supposed to be preventing it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Corrupt police officers and law agencies have been sifting through the sieve of true justice for years, and continue to do so today. From Hitler’s horrifying Gestapo police of the 1940’s to the more recent beating of Rodney King, police officers have abused their powers like a broken record. Police have engaged in unjustified shootings, severe beatings, fatal chokings, and unnecessarily rough treatment of citizens in rural and urban areas from New York to Los Angeles. Just as the founders of our great nation stood to face the British in the 18th century, and just as our forefathers fought to free us from the shackles of slavery, we must now fight to ensure that our democracy is not tainted by the practice of unjust or discriminatory law.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Drunk Ohio Cop Found Passed Out (Drunk) In Burger King Drive-Thru.† This was a headline on on February 21, 2005. This kind of story serves as an example that not all of our police officers are as moral as they claim to be. The most disturbing part of this story wasn’t that this police veteran was found intoxicated in his dispatch car, it’s that this man had the power of our law behind him for years before this happened. Many of the thousands of laws that help police officers do things like pull you over for no legitimate reason, or come into your house without probable cause, were constructed for just these purposes. This fact goes hand in hand with a quote from Tacitus, a famous Roman historian and philosopher, â€Å"the more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Police officers sometimes lack a crucial prerequisite for their job, common sense. Instead of getting drug dealers and other dangerous criminals off the streets, they are often seen in packs of three to five â€Å"investigating† events like fireworks in the dorms, or streakers.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Military customs

Military courtesy Is simply the display of good manners and politeness In dealing with other people. Military courtesy conveys respect from both subordinate and senior to each other. Men of arms have used some form of the military salute as an exchange of greeting since the earliest times. It has been preserved and its use continued in all modern armies which Inherit their military traditions from the age of chivalry.The method of rendering the salute has varied through the ages, as It still varies In form between he armless of the world today. In the age of chivalry the knights were all mounted and wore steel armor which covered the body completely, including the head and face. When two friendly knights met, it was the custom for each to raise the visor and expose his face to view of the other. This was always done with the right hand, the left being used to hold the reins.It was significant gesture of friendship and confidence, since It exposed the features and also removed the rig ht hand – the sword hand – from the bluntly of the weapon. Also, In ancient times the freemen (soldiers) of Europe were allowed to carry arms; hen two freemen met, each would raise his right hand to show that he held no weapons and that the meeting was a friendly one. Slaves were not allowed to carry arms, and they passed freemen without the exchange of a greeting. In the Middle Ages, gentlemen often went about clothed in heavy capes under which swords were carried.Upon meeting a friend, the cloak was thrown back by raising the right arm, thus disclosing that the right hand was not on the sword hilt. The Cleveland counterpart of the salutes manifested In various ways such as raising the hand when greeting a reined, tipping the hat when meeting a lady, and using a sign of recognition between lodge members. This sign is always exchanged as a greeting between friends and is given willingly. The military salute is given in the same manner – that of pride in giving r ecognition to a comrade In the honorable profession of arms.The knightly gesture, of raising the hand to the visor came to be recognized as the proper greeting between soldiers, and was continued even after modern firearms had made steel body armor a thing of the past. The military salute is today, as it seems always to have been. Unique form of greeting between military professionals. RENDERING THE HAND SALUTE When on campus and in uniform, cadets will salute all cadet officers and cadre officers of all services. It Is appropriate to accompany the salute with a word of greeting, for example, â€Å"Good morning, sir. Below are examples of situations where you would salute: When walking outdoors in uniform and you approach a cadet officer or cadre officer. When outdoors in uniform and when the American Flag is being raised or lowered. When in uniform, a cadet reporting to an officer in his office, will make his presence t the door known, enter when permission Is given, come to atten tion, salute and 18 Example: â€Å"Sir, Cadet Jones reports. † He/she will remain at the position of attention until given â€Å"At ease. † Upon completion of his business, the cadet will come to attention, salute, do an about face and leave.When an officer (to include cadet officer in uniform) approaches a uniformed group outside, the first cadet to recognize the officer will call â€Å"Attention† and all cadets will salute and remain at attention until given â€Å"At ease†, â€Å"Rest†, â€Å"Carry on†, another command, or until the officer passes. If cadets are performing a work detail, only the person in charge will come to attention and salute. The detail will continue to work. When in formation and an officer (to include cadet officer in uniform) approaches, the person in charge calls the formation to attention and salute.Salutes are not rendered in the following areas or cases: Indoors, salutes are not exchanged except when reporting to a senior officer. When actively engaged in sports or in the middle of training. When operating a vehicle. USE OF â€Å"SIR† and â€Å"SERGEANT† All cadre and cadet officers are addressed as â€Å"SIR†VAMPS†. As a general rule, â€Å"Sir†Vamps† is used in speaking either officially or socially to any senior. The word is repeated with each complete statement. Mimes† and â€Å"No† should always be accompanied with â€Å"Sir†Vamps†. All NCO will be addressed as â€Å"Sergeant† with the exception of the First Sergeant and Sergeant Major.They will be addressed by their title. Another ancient military custom dictates that you should always walk or sit to the left of your seniors. For centuries men fought with swords, and because most men are right handed, the heaviest fighting occurred on the right. The shield was on the left arm, and the left side became defensive. Men and units who preferred to carry the battle t o the enemy, and who were proud of their fighting ability, considered the right of a battle line to a post of honor.Therefore, when an officer walks or sits on your right, he is symbolically filling the post of honor. ATTENTION When an officer enters a room occupied by enlisted personnel or cadets, the room is called to attention. It is not proper, however, for officers to follow this custom at the approach of a senior officer. The question then is how to get officers to attention thou the command. Generally, this is accomplished by the individual officers assuming the position of attention when appropriate or one officer announcing the presence of the senior and the other officers then assuming the position of attention.For example, if the classroom were filled only with cadet officers and the MS entered the room, one of the cadet 19 officers would announce, â€Å"Gentlemen, the Professor of Military Science. † likewise, instructed otherwise by the officer. PARADE REST Like â€Å"Attention†, Parade Rest is a form of respect given to NCO by those Junior in rank. When a Senior NCO enters an area of Junior enlisted soldiers or cadets, the room is called to â€Å"at ease†. All personnel should immediately go to the position of â€Å"stand at-ease† until told to â€Å"carry-on†.