Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The, The Trunk Of The Tree Essay - 1453 Words

This is where the main problem(s) the company is facing is stated, normally it is one to three points that describes the issues. It is important as a standalone because it is the main issue. Even if you gave the company you are studying this it would still be valuable to them. It is the diagnoses. The statement of the problem is like the trunk of the tree. It is the main steam of the case study; you have to understand what this aspect is before the other four to five parts are completed. The rest branch off of this. Which makes it the most important part of the whole outline while being the shortest part. 2. Situation Analysis: This is the section where the SWOTs (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats) are done. This is done in order to understand the entities of the problem (it is the what is _____ section). Standalone it is the description of the bases of the issues, with this some things that are wrong could be fixed. Such as in BigSpaceship, when the CEO did not know which category the company fell in. The SWOT could have provided the information for him to realize this and perhaps come up with at least one solution to his issues. When this part is compiled with the other sections it serves as a description to the areas that need to be fixed or left alone. Each section plays its own roll, this one is a description. 3. Strategic Analysis: Strategic Analysis is the trouble shooting sections. Basically every possible idea of how to fix the weaknesses from theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Composition With Tree Trunks 1161 Words   |  5 Pages I viewed Fernand Là ©ger’s â€Å"Composition with Tree Trunks† (painted in 1933, using oil paints on canvas) at the Dallas Museum of Art in their permanent collection, on September 17, 2016. The painting is placed on the second floor, within a collection of 20th-century European art. 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