Saturday, December 28, 2019

The French Revolution - 2967 Words

The setting alternates between various locations in France and England, taking place primarily in the cities of Paris and London respectively. Within each geographic location are specific recurring locations. In France, these include places such as the Defarge’s wine shop, the estate of the Marquis, and the Bastille. In England, these include places such as the courthouse, the Manette home, and Tellson’s Bank. The story spans several decades, from 1775 to 1793. This time period covers critical points in European history, encompassing the American Revolution as well as the beginning of the French Revolution. 6. Importance of the setting (consider ideas/beliefs indicative of the time and possible symbolism) The setting is an integral part of†¦show more content†¦The recurring motifs of death and darkness are given an extra dimension due to the actions of the heartless aristocracy and bloodthirsty masses, and the story’s setting provides further context for these key moments. 7. Plot (key conflicts and resolution, approximately 250 words) The story of A Tale of Two Cities begins with the immortal lines of literature – â€Å"it was the best of times, it was the worst of times†. The very introduction of the novel captures the unease and contrast of the time period, as well as the conflicting extremes in ideology that were present on both sides of the English Channel. The first few chapters are rather ambiguous, filled with metaphors and three powerful words – â€Å"Recalled to Life†. As Mr. Jarvis Lorry, an employee of Tellson’s Bank, soon finds out, these words refer to the reappearance of Dr. Manette, a man who turns out to have been imprisoned in the Bastille for the past eighteen years. Accompanied by Manette’s daughter, Lucie, Lorry sets out to France to reclaim Manette. Upon meeting the doctor, it is easily apparent that his time in prison has been detrimental to his mental health. The doctor sits in the cellar of a wine shop, making shoes and repeating the number of his p rison cell. However, the sight and touch of his daughter, Lucie, reinvigorates him, and slowly, Dr. Manette begins to return to normal. He accompanies his daughter and Lorry back to London. The story flashes forward a couple years to a trial. A handsome man by

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Origin Of Culture And The False Perception - 958 Words

Introduction In the realm of Christianity there are several denominations where their doctrinal beliefs and traditions are followed religiously. Through the story of the â€Å"Traditions of the Elders† in Mark 7, this paper focuses on the origin of culture and the false perception it gives that is was created by God. Although culture religious traditions can have association with God, culture and religious traditions are not are not from God and can prevent people from doing what God wants Context Mark 7:1-8 begins with the Pharisees and the scribes coming from Jerusalem and meeting with Jesus. As they were gathered around Jesus, the pharisees and the scribes observed his disciples and questioned Jesus why they were eating food with hands that were unclean? Jesus responds to their question by speaking the words of Isiah from the book of Isiah 29:13 saying, â€Å"These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vein do they worship me, teaching human precepts as tradition.† Jesus’ tension with the pharisees and the scribes is that they abandoned with word of God and choose to follow human tradition instead. In the second division of Mark 7:9-13, Jesus gives a current example in his time of how the pharisees and the scribes have abandoned God’s commandments and followed the human traditions instead. Jesus’ mentions the commandment â€Å"Honor your father and mother† in Exodus 20:12 and Deuteronomy 5:16. The law that God has already established requiresShow MoreRelatedSummary Response to Platos Allegory of the Cave630 Words   |  3 Pagesidea presented by Plato in his infamous Allegory of the Cave is that the average persons perceptions are severely limited by personal perspective. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Douglas free essay sample

# 8217 ; Reading On Slavery Essay, Research Paper The first thing came to my head after reading Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, an American Slave was how lucky and blessed I am to hold the freedom without holding to contend for it. As a alien, I merely had a small cognition on African American captivity. However, Douglass good explained non merely his, but besides other slaves sorrow and sadness in a short length autobiography. I was shouting and shouting with the joy of vocalization, even though what he has described in the book can non about depict everything he went through. I genuinely admire his bravery, finding, and wisdom. When he was moved to Baltimore, he strongly pursued his instruction, which becomes the strongest tool for him ; he explains, Baltimore laid the foundation, and opened the gateway, to al my subsequent prosperity ( p.39 ) . Even though he encounters many adversities ( want of most Masterss to maintain their slaves therefore ignorant ) in educating himself, he sagely learns to compose and read from kids and his work ( p. We will write a custom essay sample on Douglas or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 15 ) . He was courageous and strongly determined to go on his perusal because he knew that cognition could assist him acquire his freedom, which he neer had. For case, he was able to compose his ain base on balls when he foremost tried to get away with his fellow slaves while he was working under Mr. Freeland. Douglass was wise plenty to profit from both up and down times during his slave old ages. He took the opportunity and got educated while he was in Baltimore. Then whe n he was sent to cruel superintendent Mr. Covey, he stood strong and recalled the bygone assurance, and inspired himself once more with a finding to be free ( p.72 ) . Douglass reminded me of the value of freedom when he fought against Mr. Covey, cognizing that he could acquire killed making so. Because he was wise and brave, he was able to liberate himself on September 3, 1838. I was really aroused ; nevertheless, thought of other legion slaves in South made me sad. Douglass and many other emancipationists like him, fought hard against captivity, which ended in consequence of their attempts. Even though I am thankful that captivity does non be any longer, the fact that the people who went under bondage had to endure enormously from it irritates me. The manner they were handled as Douglass described in the book saddens me because they were treated inhumane in everyway. For case, the rating of slaves good depicts how they were treated ; there were Equus caballuss and work forces, cowss and adult females, hogs and kids, all keeping the same narrow scrutiny ( p.52 ) . Because I believe and know that everyone was created equal, one group of people commanding another can non be justified. Even though the bondage does non be in this century, this book reminded me that I must non bury the yesteryear ; the clip when people had to contend for what they were entitled to: freedom. Furthermore, I must esteem and handle other people the manner I want them to handle me. Finally, I must larn from the yesteryear and neer make the same error.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Raven Essays - Poetry By Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven,

The Raven The Raven Once upon a midnite dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary. Edgar Allen Poe, The Raven, This poem is mainly about his wife dying and her being sick and his depression and anger. Nameless here forevermore, Only this and nothing more, Darkness there and nothing more, Tis the wind and nothing more. While I nodded nearly napping suddenly there came a tapping as pf sp,epme gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door, some visitor, he muttered tapping at my chamber door. Wondering , fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before, the silence was unbroken and the only word spoken was the whispered word ?Lenore? and that he whispered back and then echo came back ?Lenore? merely that and nothing more. Open then came the shutter, with a flutter, and there stood a Raven of the saintly days of yore, and there it stood perched above my chamber door, Raven wondering from the Nightly shore tell me what the lordly name is on the night's Plutonian shore, his response, ? quote the raven nevermore? Then the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censor swung by ?seraphim? whose foot falls tinkled on the hard floor. Wretch he cried, respite the memories of Lenore this kind nepenthe and forget his lost Lenore. Thing of evil, bird of devil, tell his soul with sorrow laden if within the distant Aidenn it shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore. And the raven never flitting still is sitting just above my chamber door, and his eyes have all the seeming of demon's that is dreaming and the lamp light over him streaming throws his shadow on the floor, and my soul from out of that shadow that lies floating on the floor, ?shall be lifted-nevermore?.